So tempting garlic Dip that boost your immunity is traditional recipe called “Ohridsko Makalo”, from region of Ohrid, and is known also as garlic mayonnais. With silky structure and lovely...
Homemade French fries well seasoned and crispy from the outside, and soft from the inside. Few medium size potatoes and four spices is all you need. When you buy potatoes...
Beautiful thin, soft and delicious dough pancakes with a smooth structure, which will not burn or be heavy. Easy and simple to prepare with a real refreshing taste that they...
“Taratur” is healthy refreshing salad that we prepare in Macedonia very often, specially in hot summer day’s. Man’s adorable salad as appetizer with traditional alcohol called “Rakija”. Easy preparation from...
Elder flower is known as elixir for healthy and vitality. Amazing edible flowers with strong and lovely smell have many healthy benefits because are rich in...
Many times we don’t have enough time to bake cake and we need fast solution for delicious cake for more people after nice meal. Espresso with whipped cream, biscuit and...
Exotic Breakfast bowl rich in nectar with fruit aroma for exotic morning. If there is exotic picture in your imagination, then, this bowl can take you to the hot summer...
Inviting crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside with refreshing lemon taste in every bite. Unique roasted potatoes with lemon powder are meal...