Creamy and velvety liqueur from a strong alcoholic beverage (brandy or cognac), fresh egg yolks and sugar. A delicious drink that you can prepare at home easily and quickly, and...
Delicious Moist Chocolate Cake one of the easiest cakes with very rich flavor. If you have a chocolate cake lover in your midst, make them this cake, they gonna love...
Elder flower is known as elixir for healthy and vitality. Amazing edible flowers with strong and lovely smell have many healthy benefits because are rich in...
Many times we don’t have enough time to bake cake and we need fast solution for delicious cake for more people after nice meal. Espresso with whipped cream, biscuit and...
French toast as sweet breakfast in the morning enriched with vitamin C with fresh kiwi fruit. If you have hard bread at home then is perfect time for sweet combination with...