“Marrakesh” Cold Salad is a summer protein salad, enriched with carbohydrates and green salad that can be a really nutritious meal or a great dinner....
A healthy spring salad that you can prepare in ten minutes, this is lovely tubule salad from the Middle East on my way. It has a refreshing and slightly sour...
Syrian style rice is a unique Arabic rice dish that is easy and quick to prepare. Airy whole grain, non-sticky rice, which is prepared with a short frying and covered until...
Are you in for a healthy and nutritious portion rich in protein and vegetables with Syrian-style rice? This complete and healthy meal inspired by the...
This delicious milk cake with aroma and taste of saffron is a unique variant of tres leches cake from the Middle East. A soft texture of dough that soaks up the...
Amazingly tempting meal from slow cooked beef in tomato sauce, topped with sour milk, toasted nuts and dry fruits, inspired by my visit of Abu Dhabi years ago. Colorful dish...