A cold ciabatta sandwich that is quick to prepare from ready-to-eat foods and is great for breakfast, a picnic, or if you’re on the go. The recipe for these airy...
A homemade recipe for mayonnaise with a special taste that I don’t want to change after I started preparing this way. In a conversation with a dear friend who owns...
Sardines are a low-calorie seawater fish that enters the Top 5 healthy fishes that you should definitely include in your diet along with the salmon,...
Homemade chicken sandwich can be so delicious and juicy meal ready in short time. The meat for this patties is from chicken breast and it needs to be minced. When you...
The milk bread has a delicate and soft structure, with a subtly mild taste that, even to the touch, differs from the rest by its softness and airiness. Milk type...
Soft Homemade Burger Buns Recipe, that can be prepared with stand mixer easy and fast. Mix all ingredients and leave in the fridge for 20 minutes so the dough rest...
Lovely and fluffy bread buns that can be prepared in one hour. Without eggs, without milk and still have a soft airy structure from the inside. These buns are great...
So tempting garlic Dip that boost your immunity is traditional recipe called “Ohridsko Makalo”, from region of Ohrid, and is known also as garlic mayonnais....