Lemon cake with a dressing of fresh lemon juice, with a wonderful aroma and sour refreshing taste, which is enough to prepare once and it can be your favorite cake,...
Poppy seeds are a real elixir of our health, apart from having a very rich taste, it also has many benefits. Poppy seeds contain a real wealth of minerals, or...
Sacher Torte is a classic chocolate cake with apricot jam in the middle, topped with a rich dark chocolate ganache on the outside. The harmony of simple ingredients like eggs, butter,...
Known as the Queen of Cakes, Opera Cake is an elegant and sophisticated dessert cake that captivates with its layered beauty and rich coffee and chocolate flavor, complemented by the...
Beautiful, thin, soft and delicious crepes made of dough with a smooth structure, easy for baking, without burning and sticking to the pan. Simple preparation with a real refreshing taste...
A honey cake that amazes with its appearance of fifteen layers of dough and has a really rich taste complemented by a filling of butter and condensed milk. Simple ingredients...